Yes, even metal roofs need a cleaning from time to time. However, as a metal roof owner you know that dirt and vegetative decay is not harming your roof, but it just doesn’t look its best. Most darker colored metal roofs hide dirt and decaying pollen that can accumulate on the roof better than lighter colored metal roofs. However, lighter colored roofs such as the one below tend to show the dirt and decaying plant matter much easier. Those metal roofs, be it aluminum, galvalume, or steel can be cleaned using the manufacturers suggested methods.
We can clean your metal roof! We know metal roofs. We partner with a leading manufacturer and installers of energy efficient lifetime metal roofs in Southern New England. If you are not a metal roof owner, and are considering a new metal roof, you may wish to read our free report “An Insider’s Guide to Metal Roofing” here.

Aluminum Roof: Before – Algae, dirt, decaying pollen

Aluminum Roof: After – Cleaned using recommended method