Serving MA and Southern NH
Roof Clean Plus LLC
(978) 340-2390
Please Use Our Form Page Below and Send Photos of Your Areas of Concern. The Send Photos feature along with a description of the areas of your home requiring cleaning allows us to provide you with a preliminary budget range or an exact quote.
Typically, roof cleanings run between 7 and 15% of what it would normally cost to replace the roof by a qualified roofing contractor. As you can see, cleaning a roof when the shingles are still within the manufactures warrantied lifespan [e.g. 20 year, 30 year, etc.] is a wise investment over replacing the roof.
We have cleaned many roofs, and while every home and roof is unique in its own way, here are some general factors that determine cleaning costs:
- Total area to be cleaned [square footage]
- Age of the roof
- Roof type [asphalt, cedar, slate, metal, or composite]
- Type and amount of growth present [lichen, moss, algae, mold and mildew]
- Roof accessibility [home height and roof pitch]
- Gutters and downspouts [present or not present, above or in ground]
- Obstructions [trees, accessibility, and wires]